Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Weep for Sins






“淫亂的”:Focus on the Family 有一集講到美國基督徒婚前性行為的程度和未信者相差無幾,以致於他們要做“婚前守貞”的專輯廣播節目時,要找真正沒有婚前性行為的基督徒,費了好大勁才找到(婚前有性行為,後來悔改,守貞到結婚的倒是不難找)。







耶穌死了,為的是使異性戀和同性戀罪人可以得救。 耶穌創造了性別,並且對如何在聖潔和喜樂中體驗性有清楚的意願。



「你們中間也有人從前是這樣的;但如今你們奉主耶穌基督的名,並藉著我們神的靈,已經洗淨、成聖、稱義了。 」(林前611

但是,今天,這對罪惡性行為的拯救,沒有受到欣然接受。 相反,對罪的制度化卻大行其道。


聖經對這樣的決定沒有沉默。 以對同性性交最清楚的解釋(羅124-27),聖經堅定地譴責和公訴對這一罪行制度化的批准。 儘管直覺地認識到同性性行為(伴隨著閑言傳聞、造謠中傷、傲慢無禮、不遜、自誇、不忠、冷酷無情、殘忍)是罪,「他們不但自己去行,還喜歡別人去行。 」(羅129-32)「我流淚地告訴你們,他們以自己的羞辱為榮耀。 」(腓318-19


我感到我們還沒有意識到正發生在我們周圍的災難。 這是件新的事情——不僅對美國、對歷史是新的——我們不是指同性戀。 自從人類墮落我們都受了破損,同性戀這一破損就一直存在(性的取向和行為有巨大的差別,就像我的驕傲取向與自誇行為的巨大差別一樣)。

新的東西甚至不是慶祝和批准同性戀罪。 在一千年裡,同性戀行為在藝術中受到利用、顯示和喝彩。 新的東西是同性戀被正常化和制度化。 這是新的災難。

我寫這篇文章的主要理由不是準備政治上的反擊。 我不認為這樣的呼召是對教會的呼召。 我寫的理由是説明教會感受這些日子裡的悲傷,以及這對神及神在人中形象的巨大攻擊。

基督徒比其他人能更清楚地看見痛苦的浪潮正在到來的途中。 罪在痛苦中帶著自己的悲慘。 「男和男行那可恥的事,就在自己身上受這妄為當得的報應。 」(羅1:27

最終,在罪自我毀滅力量的頂點,神的最後忿怒來到:「淫亂、污穢、邪情、惡欲和貪婪,貪婪就與拜偶像一樣。 因這些事,神的忿怒必降臨到那悖逆之子。 」(西35-6

基督徒知道要來的是什麼 ,不僅因為我們在聖經裡看見,而且因為我們品嘗過我們自身之罪的悲哀果實。 我們不逃避這一真理——我們所收穫的是我們所播種的。 我們的婚姻、我們的孩子、我們的教會、我們的制度,這些都有麻煩,因為我們的罪。

差別是:我們為我們的罪哭泣。 我們不為我們的罪歡呼,我們不使罪成為制度化。 我們轉向耶穌求寬恕和説明。 我們向耶穌哭泣,「那位救我們脫離將來憤怒的耶穌。 」(帖前110

在我們這最好的時刻,我們為這個世界和我們自己的國家哭泣。 在以西結的時代,神把希望的標記記在「因耶路撒冷城中所行可憎之事歎息哀哭的人的額上。 」(以西結書94

這就是我正在寫的。 不是為政治行動,而是因為愛神的名,憐憫這被毀壞的城市。

「我的眼淚下流成河,因為他們不守你的律法。 」(詩篇119136

So-Called Same-Sex Marriage
Lamenting the New Calamity

by John Piper

Jesus died so that heterosexual and homosexual sinners might be saved. Jesus created sexuality, and has a clear will for how it is to be experienced in holiness and joy.

His will is that a man might leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and that the two become one flesh (Mark 10:6–9). In this union, sexuality finds its God-appointed meaning, whether in personal-physical unification, symbolic representation, sensual jubilation, or fruitful procreation.

For those who have forsaken God’s path of sexual fulfillment, and walked into homosexual intercourse or heterosexual extramarital fornication or adultery, Jesus offers astonishing mercy.

Such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:11)

But today this salvation from sinful sexual acts was not embraced. Instead there was massive institutionalization of sin.

In a 5-to-4 decision, the Supreme Court of the United States of America has ruled that states cannot ban same-sex marriage.

The Bible is not silent about such decisions. Alongside its clearest explanation of the sin of homosexual intercourse (Romans 1:24–27) stands the indictment of the approval and institutionalization of it.

Though people know intuitively that homosexual acts (along with gossip, slander, insolence, haughtiness, boasting, faithlessness, heartlessness, ruthlessness) are sin, “they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them” (Romans 1:29–32). “I tell you even with tears, that many glory in their shame” (Philippians 3:18–19).

This is what the highest court in our land did today — knowing these deeds are wrong, “yet approving those who practice them.”

My sense is that we do not realize what a calamity is happening around us. The new thing — new for America, and new for history — is not homosexuality. That brokenness has been here since we were all broken in the fall of man. (And there is a great distinction between the orientation and the act — just like there is a great difference between my orientation to pride and the act of boasting.)

What’s new is not even the celebration and approval of homosexual sin. Homosexual behavior has been exploited, and reveled in, and celebrated in art, for millennia. What’s new is normalization and institutionalization. This is the new calamity.

My main reason for writing is not to mount a political counter-assault. I don’t think that is the calling of the church as such. My reason for writing is to help the church feel the sorrow of these days. And the magnitude of the assault on God and his image in man.

Christians, more clearly than others, can see the tidal wave of pain that is on the way. Sin carries in it its own misery: “Men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error” (Romans 1:27).

And on top of sin’s self-destructive power comes, eventually, the final wrath of God: “sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming” (Colossians 3:5–6).

Christians know what is coming, not only because we see it in the Bible, but because we have tasted the sorrowful fruit of our own sins. We do not escape the truth that we reap what we sow. Our marriages, our children, our churches, our institutions — they are all troubled because of our sins.

The difference is: We weep over our sins. We don’t celebrate them. We don’t institutionalize them. We turn to Jesus for forgiveness and help. We cry to Jesus, “who delivers us from the wrath to come” (1 Thessalonians 1:10).

And in our best moments, we weep for the world, and for our own nation. In the days of Ezekiel, God put a mark of hope “on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations that are committed in Jerusalem” (Ezekiel 9:4).

This is what I am writing for. Not political action, but love for the name of God and compassion for the city of destruction.

“My eyes shed streams of tears, because people do not keep your law.” (Psalm 119:136)