Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What If I Hadn't Prayed?

Carolyn Arends 在Christianity Today的專欄Wrestling with Angels一直是我非常喜愛的,這位姐妹對日常瑣事有誠實、獨到的視角。

12月號Christianity Today 她寫了一篇Lessons from an Usher,整篇文章對我非常有啟發(我把它附在此email最下方),其中有一段正中我的要害,與您分享:

A few weeks after that New Year's Eve, I found myself praying about a financial shortfall my husband and I were facing at the end of the month. Three days later, an unexpected check arrived in the mail, matching almost to the penny the amount we needed. My skeptical mind knew the money could have been purely coincidental, but in that instance I had the unprovable but resolute sense that it was God's answer to my prayer. I was of course flooded with immediate gratitude, but within minutes I was undergoing mental gymnastics. What if I hadn't prayed? I wondered. Would God have provided anyway? Do I really have to ask when he knows our needs before we do?

I don't generally hear the audible voice of God. But that particular afternoon, I could have sworn I heard a chuckle. Of course I would have provided, it seemed God was saying. But you wouldn't have had the joy of knowing it was me.


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